About Us
LuxCollector is a platform that provides you with access to authenticated vintage luxury bags. We select our items with care to give you the best experience on the pre-owned goods market that is growing bigger every day. This company arose as a result of the passion and interest in leatherworkers art and the history of accessory fashion, so you can be sure we provide you with a very careful selection of iconic bags in very good condition. On a market flooded with counterfeits we make authenticity our first priority. You can learn about the industry and leather goods art on our blog. We understand every item we sell and the amount of work and design which is behind every single one of them. We believe that in a world that is changing too fast there should be time to appreciate the simple elegance of timeless items.
Fashion has always been a way for people to communicate with each other. Contrary to popular belief about the industry’s shallowness we state that fashion is an important part of society that reflects the evolution of aesthetical and ethical tendencies, our moods and aspirations.
The market has become swamped with one-time-wear items and the speed of the changing one-day tendencies of fast fashion is becoming a huge weight for the people working in the industry and for the planet itself. We invite you to a journey to the world of careful crafting and attention to detail. We believe that style does not mean an endless race for trends appearing on Instagram every day and disappearing three days after. Instead, we suggest you pause for a moment and appreciate the best accessories created by historic brands.
For us, selection of bags consists in choosing the most wanted brands, the most recent collections and the most fashionable items from a wide range of bags on the market. Among the bags on offer you will find timeless, classic shoppers and tote bags from different Maisons. Our interesting sellection of pre-owned Chanel handbags - from Grand Shopping Bag GST to various Deauville Totes and many others. We follow fashion very closely and therefore we constantly add new items to our collection, such as Pouch
from Bottega Veneta, Fendi Baguette as well as interesting summer bags as Mini and Small Lady from Dior.
from Bottega Veneta, Fendi Baguette as well as interesting summer bags as Mini and Small Lady from Dior.
At our website you can find Gucci Marmont, Givenchy Antigona as well as Lou Lou or College crossbody from YSL. In addition to our current collection, we promise to expand the offer of vintage pieces. We pay special attention to Birkin and Kelly bags from Hermès. These are bags that cannot be missing in our shop!
Who knows, maybe here you’ll find a bag that will bring you joy for many years to come.
Our team:

Giulia is our idea generator who is responsible for sales and devotedly cares about the well-being of our small but very friendly team.

Anna is in charge of goods selection. She picks out the most lucrative offers and meticulously controls the quality of our bags.

Alexa liaises with the sellers of bags and accessories and selects the most interesting offers. She also checks quality, authenticity and prices.

Tatsiana is responsible for finance and accounting. She has it at her fingertips and that is why we can always rely on her financial accuracy and transparency.

Andris is our blogger who shows great passion for everything that is beautiful and aesthetic.